April 21, 2007

My animal kids

It was Labor day weekend 2003, and I took off to my sisters house with my 2yr old son for the weekend. While we were gone, my x-husband was removing all of his belongings from my house, including "our" dog. I was only worried about the dog part. My son LOVES this dog, and going back home to a dogless house was tearing me up a little. I could frankly care less about the husbandless house. Was actually looking forward to that very much.

We get to my sisters, and find out they have rescued a kitten they found in their barn. The poor Mama cat, and another kitten had met up with some very evil cat monsters, and not survived the ordeal. So there was this wee little kitty, that was only a few weeks old, that needed a home. And there was my son and I, about to be petless. So of course we took her home. My son named her Rina. It took a long time for me to figure out where that name came from. His first "girlfriend" at daycare's name was Corrina. He called her Rina for short!

Here is a picture of Rina -- the cat not the girlfriend

(I have searched and searched for a wee picture of her, but I cant find one - bad mommy!)

Somehow having a cat in the house eased not having a dog in the house.

So for a few weeks, it was me, my son, and Rina, starting our new life. Then, my neighbor called. Asked me to come outside for a minute. Wanted to show me something. I took my son outside with me, and this is what we found....

Could anyone look at that face and not fall in love? No, I think not. (plus with a 2 yr old at your heals that LOVES dogs, saying no we can not have a dog was not an option)

My son named this pup Leo - "Leo the lion" he said. He doesn't look a thing like a lion, but okay.

My animal kids are now 3 years old, and live together in almost harmony. Rina is a true wild child. Shes a toe biter, but only my toes for some strange reason. She's also a killer mouse catcher, but I try not to be around when she does that. Leo was a complete pain in the arse the first year or two. I think he took over the role of "Man of the house." We moved last summer, and there is a new, much taller man of the house (my hubby to-be), and Leo is starting to learn his place. My only grievance is that he tends to get mad at my son from time to time and chew up a toy that might be left out unattended. But that sure teaches a boy to clean up after himself if he wants to save his toys from becoming dinner!

Here's a picture of my animal kids today. Yes, Rina is hiding, but yes, Leo knows shes there.


Anonymous said...

Awww I still heart Rina... she certainly didn't bite my toes.

Ok, yeah she did, but she is too cute to hold it against her.

Leo Leo Leo. The incredible barking wonder who almost got us kicked out of a hotel in... where was that again? Charleston? After searching forever to find a hotel that would take animals he ends up sleeping in your van. Leo and I need to have a little tet-a-tet in July...

Claudia said...

Aww...they are both adorable!! I bet your life's been exciting with them around!

Anonymous said...

okk you hear an echo?

awww how cute...:P

seriously that is one big puppy dog..

Anonymous said...

How cute! They remind me of my cat and dog.

Anonymous said...

What a great looking pup. And of course the kitty is cute too.