August 7, 2007


Random photo post!

This is the first picture I took in Kauai. I took it from the balcony of our room. Right after taking this picture my camera battery died. And I didn't have the charger. It was in the backseat of my car. In Roanoke. Virginia.

For the past two years my father has asked that we not exchange Christmas presents. Instead, he picks an adventure that we all go on and pay our own way. Last year it was a white water rafting trip down the James River. This year it was a hot air balloon ride. We had Christmas in May this year, and I took this picture of the back of my sons head on the trip. I'm a little worried next year my dad will have us jumping out of planes.

These pictures are for Melissa... Because she asked for them... The cutsie towel arrangements left by Marnie and her mom. The top picture I've mastered. I learned that the first week of my Towel arranging 101 class. The bottom one looks easy. But the difficulty is keeping the towel folded and placing just the right balance of animal weight in just the right places so that the fold stays folded.

Its also easier to do with a fresh, not tampered with towel. Once the towel becomes used, it looses some of its folding staying power.