This week is U week in my sons class. The home work for the week was sent home on Monday.
Monday night he had to color 8 small pictures that were printed on a piece of paper. All things starting with U.
Tuesday night he had to cut these pictures out.
Tonight he had to sort the pictures and glue them onto another piece of paper under "Short u words" or "Long u words".
I looked over the pictures. A unicorn, umpire, umbrella, united states, a picture of stairs and an arrow pointing up them - so that's up....
me: "short and long, well up is short for sure, and united states is the longest of the long."
me in my head: **is unicorn short or long? how short is short? how long is long?**
me: " Have you been sorting like this at school?"
little guy: "no"
me: "did your teacher go over long and short and how long long is, or how short short is?"
little guy: **weird look**
me: "well, okay, up is short -- **moves stair with arrow picture to the left**
and United States is long -- **move it over to the right**
and umbrella is long -- **move over with the united states**
and undershirt is long --- ** moved over with umbrella**
so then we got unicorn, umpire, uniform, do you think they are short or long?"
little guy: hesitates... looks down at my sorting work, back up at me
"mom..... its the sound."
"not how long"
"like Unicorn is long, umbrella is short"
me: "oh..*hehehe* doh... *hehehehe* ok... *cant contain my giggle*
you just go ahead and do what you need to and don't listen to me... "
heh heh heh
Crap. No. I guess I am not smarter than a kindergartner.
...and that's not surprising.
Oh my god. I'm officially in love with you. This is priceless.
oh thats to funny... i'd been way worse and not had not even a clue... to funny.
LOL.....That so sounds like something I would do! LOL.....I was trying to work out which was long and which was short but still I could not, Then when I red the last bit I thought ahhhh not it makes sense lol
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